cal_super; require_once(e_HANDLER."calendar/calendar_class.php"); $cal = new DHTML_Calendar(true); $category_filter = ""; if ((isset($_POST['event_cat_ids']) && $_POST['event_cat_ids'] != "all")) { $category_filter = " AND (e.event_category = '".intval($_POST['event_cat_ids'])."') "; } // Event to add or update if ((isset($_POST['ne_insert']) || isset($_POST['ne_update'])) && ($cal_super || check_class($pref['eventpost_admin']))) { if (($_POST['ne_event'] == '') || !isset($_POST['qs'])) { // Problem - tell user to go away header('location:event.php?'.$ev_start.'.0.m8'); exit; } else { if (!$cal_super) { $evCat = intval($_POST['ne_category']); if ($sql->db_Select('event_cat', 'event_cat_addclass', 'event_cat_id = '.$evCat)) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC); if (!check_class($row['event_cat_addclass'])) { header('location:event.php?'.$ev_start.'.0.m8'); exit; } } else { // Invalid category - definitely go away! header('location:'.e_BASE.'index.php'); exit; } } $ev_start = $ecal_class->make_date($_POST['ne_hour'], $_POST['ne_minute'],$_POST['start_date']); $ev_end = $ecal_class->make_date($_POST['end_hour'], $_POST['end_minute'],$_POST['end_date']); $ev_title = $tp->toDB($_POST['ne_title']); $ev_location = $tp->toDB($_POST['ne_location']); $ev_event = $tp->toDB($_POST['ne_event']); $temp_date = getdate($ecal_class->make_date(0,0,$_POST['start_date'])); if ($_POST['recurring'] == 1) { $rec_m = $temp_date['mday']; // Day of month $rec_y = $temp_date['mon']; // Month number } else { $rec_m = ""; $rec_y = ""; } $report_msg = '.m3'; if (isset($_POST['ne_insert'])) { // Bits specific to inserting a new event $qry = " 0, '".intval($ev_start)."', '".intval($ev_end)."', '".intval($_POST['allday'])."', '".intval($_POST['recurring'])."', '".time()."', '$ev_title', '$ev_location', '$ev_event', '".USERID.".".USERNAME."', '".$tp -> toDB($_POST['ne_email'])."', '".intval($_POST['ne_category'])."', '".$tp -> toDB($_POST['ne_thread'])."', '".intval($rec_m)."', '".intval($rec_y)."' "; $sql->db_Insert("event", $qry); $ecal_class->cal_log(1,'db_Insert',$qry, $ev_start); $qs = preg_replace("/ne./i", "", $_POST['qs']); $report_msg = '.m4'; } if (isset($_POST['ne_update'])) { // Bits specific to updating an existing event $qry = "event_start='".intval($ev_start)."', event_end='".intval($ev_end)."', event_allday='".intval($_POST['allday'])."', event_recurring='".intval($_POST['recurring'])."', event_datestamp= '".time()."', event_title= '$ev_title', event_location='$ev_location', event_details='$ev_event', event_contact='".$tp -> toDB($_POST['ne_email'])."', event_category='".intval($_POST['ne_category'])."', event_thread='".$tp -> toDB($_POST['ne_thread'])."', event_rec_m='".intval($rec_m)."', event_rec_y='".intval($rec_y)."' WHERE event_id='".intval($_POST['id'])."' "; $sql->db_Update("event", $qry); $ecal_class->cal_log(2,'db_Update',$qry, $ev_start); $qs = preg_replace("/ed./i", "", $_POST['qs']); $report_msg = '.m5'; } // Now clear cache - just do the lot for now - get clever later $e107cache->clear('nq_event_cal'); header("location:event.php?".$ev_start.".".$qs.$report_msg); exit; } } $action = ""; // Remove notice require_once(HEADERF); if (isset($_POST['jump'])) { $smarray = getdate(mktime(0, 0, 0, $_POST['jumpmonth'], 1, $_POST['jumpyear'])); $month = $smarray['mon']; $year = $smarray['year']; } else { if(e_QUERY) { $qs = explode(".", e_QUERY); $action = $qs[0]; // Often a date if just viewing $ds = (isset($qs[1]) ? $qs[1] : ""); $eveid = (isset($qs[2]) ? $qs[2] : ""); } if ($action == "") { $month = $ecal_class->cal_date['mon']; $year = $ecal_class->cal_date['year']; } else { $smarray = getdate($action); $day = $smarray['mday']; $month = $smarray['mon']; $year = $smarray['year']; } } if (isset($_POST['confirm'])) { $qry = "event_id='".intval($_POST['existing'])."' "; if ($sql->db_Delete("event", $qry)) { $message = EC_LAN_51; //Event Deleted $ecal_class->cal_log(3,'db_Delete',$qry,$ev_start); } else { $message = EC_LAN_109; //Unable to Delete event for some mysterious reason } } if ($action == "de") { // Delete event - show confirmation form $text = "

"; $ns->tablerender(EC_LAN_46, $text); // Confirm Delete Event require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { // Delete Cancelled $message = EC_LAN_47; } // set up data arrays ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // (some of these are only used in the shortcodes) if ($pref['eventpost_weekstart'] == 'sun') { $days = Array(EC_LAN_25, EC_LAN_19, EC_LAN_20, EC_LAN_21, EC_LAN_22, EC_LAN_23, EC_LAN_24); } else { $days = Array(EC_LAN_19, EC_LAN_20, EC_LAN_21, EC_LAN_22, EC_LAN_23, EC_LAN_24, EC_LAN_25); } $dayslo = array('1.', '2.', '3.', '4.', '5.', '6.', '7.', '8.', '9.', '10.', '11.', '12.', '13.', '14.', '15.', '16.', '17.', '18.', '19.', '20.', '21.', '22.', '23.', '24.', '25.', '26.', '27.', '28.', '29.', '30.', '31.'); $monthabb = Array(EC_LAN_JAN, EC_LAN_FEB, EC_LAN_MAR, EC_LAN_APR, EC_LAN_MAY, EC_LAN_JUN, EC_LAN_JUL, EC_LAN_AUG, EC_LAN_SEP, EC_LAN_OCT, EC_LAN_NOV, EC_LAN_DEC); $months = array(EC_LAN_0, EC_LAN_1, EC_LAN_2, EC_LAN_3, EC_LAN_4, EC_LAN_5, EC_LAN_6, EC_LAN_7, EC_LAN_8, EC_LAN_9, EC_LAN_10, EC_LAN_11); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Messages acknowledging actions $poss_message = array('m1' => EC_LAN_41, 'm2' => EC_LAN_42, 'm3' => EC_LAN_43, 'm4' => EC_LAN_44, 'm5' => EC_LAN_45, 'm8' => EC_LAN_181); if (isset($qs[2])) if (isset($poss_message[$qs[2]])) $message = $poss_message[$qs[2]]; if (isset($message)) { $ns->tablerender("", "
"); } // enter new event form if ($action == "ne" || $action == "ed") { if ($ecal_class->cal_super || check_class($pref['eventpost_admin'])) { function make_calendar($boxname, $boxvalue) { global $ecal_class, $cal; unset($cal_options); unset($cal_attrib); $cal_options['showsTime'] = false; $cal_options['showOthers'] = true; $cal_options['weekNumbers'] = false; $cal_options['ifFormat'] = $ecal_class->dcal_format_string; $cal_attrib['class'] = "tbox"; $cal_attrib['size'] = "12"; $cal_attrib['name'] = $boxname; $cal_attrib['value'] = $boxvalue; return $cal->make_input_field($cal_options, $cal_attrib); } function make_hourmin($boxname,$cur_hour,$cur_minute) { global $pref; if (isset($pref['eventpost_fivemins'])) $incval = 5; else $incval = 1; $retval = " \n \n"; return $retval; } if ($action == "ed") { // Editing existing event - read from database $sql->db_Select("event", "*", "event_id='".intval($qs[1])."' "); list($null, $ne_start, $ne_end, $allday, $recurring, $ne_datestamp, $ne_title, $ne_location, $ne_event, $ne_author, $ne_email, $ne_category, $ne_thread) = $sql->db_Fetch(); $smarray = getdate($ne_start); $ne_hour = $smarray['hours']; $ne_minute = $smarray['minutes']; $ne_startdate = $ecal_class->full_date($ne_start); $smarray = getdate($ne_end); $end_hour = $smarray['hours']; $end_minute = $smarray['minutes']; $ne_enddate = $ecal_class->full_date($ne_end); } else { // New event - initialise everything $smarray = getdate($qs[1]); $month = $smarray['mon']; $year = $smarray['year']; $ne_startdate = $ecal_class->full_date($qs[1]); $ne_hour = $smarray['hours']; $ne_minute = $smarray['minutes']; $end_hour = $smarray['hours']; $end_minute = $smarray['minutes']; $ne_enddate = $ecal_class->full_date($qs[1]); } $text = " "; $text .= "
"; if ($action == "ed") { $caption = EC_LAN_66; // edit Event } elseif ($action == "ne") { $caption = EC_LAN_28; // Enter New Event } else { $caption = EC_LAN_83; } $text .= " "; $text .= " "; // * *BK* // * *BK* Only display for forum thread if it is required. No point in being in if not wanted // * *BK* or if forums are inactive // * *BK* if (isset($pref['eventpost_forum']) && $pref['eventpost_forum'] == 1) { $text .= " "; } // * *BK* // * *BK* If the user is logged in and has their email set plus the field is empty then put in // * *BK* their email address. They can always take it out if they want, its not a required field if (empty($ne_email) && ($action == "ne") && defined('USEREMAIL')) { $ne_email = USEREMAIL; } $text .= "
".EC_LAN_72." ".EC_LAN_67." "; $text .= make_calendar("start_date",$ne_startdate)."   ".EC_LAN_73." ".make_calendar("end_date",$ne_enddate); $text .= "
".EC_LAN_71." ".EC_LAN_67; $text .= make_hourmin("ne_",$ne_hour,$ne_minute)."  ".EC_LAN_73.make_hourmin('end_',$end_hour,$end_minute); $text .= "
"; $text .= EC_LAN_64."
".EC_LAN_65." "; $text .= ""; $text .= EC_LAN_63."
".EC_LAN_70." *
".EC_LAN_57." *
"; if ($action == "ed") { $text .= " "; } else { $text .= ""; } $text .= "
"; $ns->tablerender($caption, $text); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } else { header("location:".e_PLUGIN."calendar_menu/event.php"); exit; } } // End of "Enter New Event //----------------------------------------------- // show events // $month, $year have the month required //----------------------------------------------- $monthstart = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year); $firstdayarray = getdate($monthstart); $monthend = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 1, $year) -1 ; $lastdayarray = getdate($monthend); $prevmonth = ($month-1); $prevyear = $year; if ($prevmonth == 0) { $prevmonth = 12; $prevyear = ($year-1); } $previous = mktime(0, 0, 0, $prevmonth, 1, $prevyear); $nextmonth = ($month + 1); $nextyear = $year; if ($nextmonth == 13) { $nextmonth = 1; $nextyear = ($year + 1); } $prop = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); // Sets start date for new event entry $next = mktime(0, 0, 0, $nextmonth, 1, $nextyear); // Used by nav buttons $nowmonth = $ecal_class->cal_date['mon']; $nowyear = $ecal_class->cal_date['year']; $py = $year-1; $prevlink = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $py); $ny = $year + 1; $nextlink = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $ny); if (is_readable(THEME."calendar_template.php")) { // Has to be require require(THEME."calendar_template.php"); } else { require(e_PLUGIN."calendar_menu/calendar_template.php"); } $text2 = ""; // time switch buttons $text2 .= $tp -> parseTemplate($CALENDAR_TIME_TABLE, FALSE, $calendar_shortcodes); // navigation buttons $text2 .= $tp -> parseTemplate($CALENDAR_NAVIGATION_TABLE, FALSE, $calendar_shortcodes); // ****** CAUTION - the category dropdown also used $sql object - take care to avoid interference! $event = array(); $extra = ''; if ($ds == "event") { // Show single event $qry = " SELECT e.*, ec.* FROM #event as e LEFT JOIN #event_cat as ec ON e.event_category = ec.event_cat_id WHERE e.event_id='".intval($eveid)."' {$ecal_class->extra_query} "; $sql2->db_Select_gen($qry); $row = $sql2->db_Fetch(); if ($row['event_recurring']=='1') // Single event, selected by ID. So day/month must match { $row['event_start'] = mktime(0,0,0,$row['event_rec_y'],$row['event_rec_m'],$year); $row['event_end'] = $row['event_start']; } $event[] = $row; $next10_start = $event[0]['event_start']; $text2 .= $tp -> parseTemplate($EVENT_EVENT_TABLE_START, FALSE, $calendar_shortcodes); $text2 .= show_event($event); $text2 .= $tp -> parseTemplate($EVENT_EVENT_TABLE_END, FALSE, $calendar_shortcodes); } else { if ($ds == 'one') { // Show events from one day $tmp = getdate($action); $selected_day = $tmp['mday']; $selected_mon = $tmp['mon']; $start_time = $action; $end_time = $action + 86399; $next10_start = $end_time + 1; $cap_title = " - ".$months[$selected_mon-1]." ".$selected_day; $extra = " OR (e.event_rec_y = ".intval($selected_mon)." AND e.event_rec_m = ".intval($selected_day).") "; } else { // Display whole of selected month $start_time = $monthstart; $end_time = $monthend; $next10_start = $end_time + 1; $cap_title = ''; $extra = " OR e.event_rec_y = ".intval($month)." "; } $qry = " SELECT e.*, ec.* FROM #event as e LEFT JOIN #event_cat as ec ON e.event_category = ec.event_cat_id WHERE (e.event_recurring = '0' AND ((e.event_start >= ".intval($start_time)." AND e.event_start <= ".intval($end_time).") OR (e.event_end >= ".intval($start_time)." AND e.event_end <= ".intval($end_time).") OR (e.event_start <= ".intval($start_time)." AND e.event_end >= ".intval($end_time).") ) {$extra}) {$category_filter} {$ecal_class->extra_query} ORDER BY e.event_start ASC "; // Query generates a list of event IDs in $idarray which meet the criteria. // $idarray has one primary index location for each day of month, then secondary for events. if ($cal_count=$sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { if ($row['event_recurring']=='1') // Recurring events { if (($row['event_rec_y'] == $month) && (!in_array($row['event_id'], $idArray))) // Only allow one instance of each recurring event { $tmp = getdate($row['event_start']); $row['event_start'] = mktime($tmp['hours'],$tmp['minutes'],0,$row['event_rec_y'],$row['event_rec_m'],$year); $row['event_end'] = $row['event_start']; $events[$row['event_rec_m']][] = $row; $idArray[] = $row['event_id']; } } else { if ($ds == 'one') { if (!isset($idArray) || !is_array($idArray) || !in_array($row['event_id'], $idArray)) { $events[$selected_day][] = $row; $idArray[] = $row['event_id']; } } else { // Multiple events if ($row['event_start'] < intval($start_time)) { $start_day = "1"; // Event starts before this month } else { $tmp = getdate($row['event_start']); $start_day = $tmp['mday']; } if ($row['event_end'] < $row['event_start']) { // End date before start date $end_day = $start_day; } else { if ($row['event_end'] > intval($end_time)) { $end_day = "31"; // Event ends after this month } else { $tmp = getdate($row['event_end']); $end_day = $tmp['mday']; } } for ($i = $start_day; $i <= $end_day; $i++) { if (!isset($idArray) || !is_array($idArray) || !in_array($row['event_id'], $idArray)) { $events[$i][] = $row; $idArray[] = $row['event_id']; } } } } } } } // event list if(isset($events) && is_array($events)) { $text2 .= $tp -> parseTemplate($EVENT_EVENTLIST_TABLE_START, FALSE, $calendar_shortcodes); foreach ($events as $dom => $event){ $text2 .= show_event($event); } $text2 .= $tp -> parseTemplate($EVENT_EVENTLIST_TABLE_END, FALSE, $calendar_shortcodes); } /* $nextmonth = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 1, $year)-1; if (!isset($next10_start)) { $next10_start = $nextmonth; } */ // Show next 10 events after current event/day/month (doesn't show recurring events) $qry = " SELECT e.* FROM #event AS e LEFT JOIN #event_cat AS ec ON e.event_category = ec.event_cat_id WHERE e.event_start > '".intval($next10_start)."' {$ecal_class->extra_query} {$category_filter} ORDER BY e.event_start ASC LIMIT 0, 10 "; $num = $sql->db_Select_gen($qry); if ($num != 0) { $gen = new convert; $archive_events = ""; // while ($events = $sql->db_Fetch()) while ($thisevent = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $archive_events .= $tp -> parseTemplate($EVENT_ARCHIVE_TABLE, FALSE, $calendar_shortcodes); } } else { $archive_events = $tp -> parseTemplate($EVENT_ARCHIVE_TABLE_EMPTY, FALSE, $calendar_shortcodes); } $text2 .= $tp -> parseTemplate($EVENT_ARCHIVE_TABLE_START, FALSE, $calendar_shortcodes); $text2 .= $archive_events; $text2 .= $tp -> parseTemplate($EVENT_ARCHIVE_TABLE_END, FALSE, $calendar_shortcodes); $caption = EC_LAN_80; // "Event List"; $ns->tablerender($caption.(isset($cap_title) ? $cap_title : ""), $text2); require_once(FOOTERF); // Display one event in a form which can be expanded. function show_event($day_events) { global $tp, $cal_super, $_POST, $ds, $thisevent, $EVENT_ID, $EVENT_EVENT_TABLE, $calendar_shortcodes, $event_author_id, $event_author_name; $text2 = ""; foreach($day_events as $event) { $thisevent = $event; $gen = new convert; $lp = explode(".", $thisevent['event_author'],2); if (preg_match("/[0-9]+/", $lp[0])) { $event_author_id = $lp[0]; $event_author_name = $lp[1]; } $text2 .= $tp -> parseTemplate($EVENT_EVENT_TABLE, FALSE, $calendar_shortcodes); } return $text2; } function headerjs() { global $cal; $script = $cal->load_files(); /* $script .= " "; */ return $script; } ?>